jeudi 16 décembre 2010

Zigzag : Duranty, Einstein, Pinochet, New Deal

Duranty et Muggeridge

Je vais vous raconter l’histoire de Walter Duranty et de Malcolm Muggeridge.

En 1930 il y avait des rumeurs de famine en URSS. Walter Duranty, le correspondant du New York Times écrit : « There is no famine or actual starvation, nor is there likely to be. » Il a recu, cette année-là, le prix Pulitzer, Le jury le loua pour son reportage « marked by scholaship, profundity, impartiality, sound judgement and exceptionnal clarity ».

Pendant ce temps-là, l’écrivain anglais, Malcolm Muggeridge, écrivait d’Ukraine que les paysans mouraient de faim. « I mean starving in its absolute sense; not undernourished as, for instance, most Oriental peasants….and some unemployed workers in Europe, but having had for weeks next to nothing to eat.” Un peu plus tard, il écrivait encore que cette famine était causée délibérément. Et que c’était « one of the most monstruous crimes in history, so terrible that people in the future will scarcely be able to believe it ever happened ». Les reportages de Muggeridge not été qualifiés de “tirades hystériques » par Béatrice Webb dans une étude célèbre sur l’URSS. Muggeridge a été stigmatisé et a été incapable de se trouver de l’ouvrage comme écrivain après avoir été relevé de son assignation en URSS. Il a sombré dans la pauvreté. Lui, sa femme et ses deux jeunes enfants ont dû déménager chez des amis. Aucun éditeur n’a voulu avoir affaire à lui. Il est facile de comprendre que ce qu’il disait ne concordait pas avec la vision de l’Union Soviétique que l’intelligencia voulaient privilégier.

Les archives de l’URSS ouvertes aux chercheurs par Gorbatchev pendant quelques années à la suite de la chute du communisme, révèlent qu’il y eut autour de 6 millions de morts. C’est ce que Robert Conquest, dans Harvest of Sorrow estimait lui aussi.

Les gens ont vaguement ou même jamais entendu parler de ce crime monstrueux, et délibéré, aussi monstrueux que l’Holocauste juif perpétré par Hitler et les Nazis. Quand ils en entendent parler, cela leur semble être un fait divers. Pourquoi ? Parce que la majorité des journaux de l’époque étaient sous l’influence d’ « intellectuels de gauche », admirateurs de l’URSS et de Staline. À cette époque où la crise faisait ses ravages en Amérique et en Occident, les intellectuels comparaient les "magnifiques réalisations" du communisme avec "l’échec lamentable" du capitalisme et rêvaient de voir un paradis semblable voir le jour chez eux. Ils répugnaient à parler en mal contre le régime soviétique de peur de nuire à la Grande Idée qui ne pouvait pas s'incarner sans casser quelques oeufs. Pourquoi la compromettre pour quelques victimes malheureuses ?

Les services secrets soviétiques déployaient beaucoup d’énergie et dépensaient des sommes énormes pour séduire les intellectuels, les journalistes, les écrivains, les syndicalistes et les agitateurs de toutes sortes, ce que l’enquête de McCarthy a bien démontré. On sait ce que les mêmes intellectuels qui niaient la famine ont réussi à faire de McCarthy : la même chose qu’à Muggeridge.

Il est vrai que l’influence du communisme se réduisait surtout au milieu intellectuel et que les USA n’ont jamais vraiment été menacé d’une révolution prolétarienne mais les sympathies, la collaboration, et même la promotion du communisme par beaucoup d’intellectuels a été très importante. Le McCartysme n’a pas été une chasse aux sorcières. C’est un des nombreux mythes de gauche comme le succès du New Deal, le libérateur Castro, le saint révolutionnaire Guevarra, le bon docteur Allende et le communisme à visage humain, la Révolution Espagnole, le Révolution Française, le Révolution Russe etc. etc. De tous ces sujets c’est la thèse de gauche qui domine totalement. Le point de vue libéral n’a pas le droit d’exister. Aussitôt que quelqu’un ose déboulonner un de ces mythes, l’analyser, c’est l’étonnement, la réprobation, la stigmatisation, le scandale. Le mot « fasciste » est l’argument qui fait taire tous les doutes sur les mauvaises intentions de celui qui ose examiner les faits avec un peu plus de mesure et d'objectivité.

Pendant que Charlie Chaplin réalisait le Dictateur (1938-39) en pensant évidemment à Hitler, il soutenait un autre dictateur, Staline, qui avait pourtant déjà commis des crimes monstrueux, bien avant Hitler. Et pourtant il ne voyait rien et probablement ne voulait rien voir tellement il était obnubilé par l’utopie d’un paradis communiste et le « cauchemard » capitaliste.

Walter Duranty ne s’était pas trompé de bonne foi car ce qu’il disait aux diplomates et aux journalistes de l’époque était tout-à-fait différent. En 1933, un diplomate anglais rapportait de Londres que « M. Duranty thinks it quite possible that as many as 10 millions people may have died directly or indirectly from lack of food in the Soviet Union during the pas year”.

Si le crime de Hitler est une abomination et celui de Staline, un fait divers, c'est que l'intelligentsia occidentale avaient des sympathies envers le socialisme russe et filtrait l'information comme c'est encore le cas aujourd'hui où le point de vue "progressiste" a toujours le haut du pavé au détriment de toute autre interprétation ou point de vue.

Le point de vue libéral est complètement méconnu ou stigmatisé. La sympathies des journalistes vont à Khader plutôt qu'aux victimes du régime iranien; à Assange plutôt qu'au gouvernement américain; à la mosquée sur le site de 9/11 plutôt qu'à ses opposants qui sont traités d'islamophobes, de racistes; aux Palestiniens musulmans totalitaires et génocidaires plutôt qu'aux Israéliens démocrates; à la thèse apocalyptique du réchauffement climatique plutôt qu'a ceux qui la mettent en doute; le prix Nobel de la paix à Obama qui n'a jamais rien fait, plutôt qu'à quelqu'un de méritant; le prix du festival de Cannes au gros Moore plutôt qu'à un cinéaste de talent, le prix Nobel d'économie à un Krugman qui nous dit que si la crise se prolonge c'est qu'il faudrait injecter encore 2 trillions de dollars dans l'économie en plus du 1.3 déjà dépensé en pure perte, le "Bush bashing" éhonté, Katrina, les pretzels, la canonisation d'Obama et la réticence des journalistes à le critiquer; l'inculte Harper etc, etc. (Je viens tout juste d'entendre deux commentaires à R.-C. où Harper est traité de dictateur de droite, de néo-conservateur dangereux. Et un autre progressiste qui parle d'insurrection éventuellement nécessaire, d'imposition obligatoire de l'école française à tous les citoyens habitant le Québec. Voilà un vrai libéral de gauche ! Voilà un vrai progressiste et non un dangereux conservateur.

Je me suis écarté de mon sujet. Je voulait simplement te raconter l'histoire de Duranty.
Certains renseignements ont été puisés dans : Intellectuals and Society, Thomas Sowell, p. 126 - 127 et Intellectual Pilgrimage, Paul Hollander, p. 119 et 164.)

Enstein et Lénine

"This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism... I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child." -- Albert Einstein

On voit qu'un grand savant peut être aussi ignorant et malavisé que n'importe quel citoyen quand il s'écarte de son champ de spécialisation. Ici, Einstein endosse presque parfaitement la vision surréaliste et catastrophique de Lénine :
« Enregistrement et contôle, tel est l’essentiel, et pour la mise en route et pour le fonctionnement régulier de la société communiste dans sa première phase. Ici, tous les citoyens se transforment en employés salariés de l’Étât constitué par les citoyens armés. Tous les citoyens deviennent les employés d’un seul cartel du peuple tout entier, de l’Étât. Le tout est d’obtenir qu’ils fournissent un effort égal, observent exactement la mesure du travail et reçoivent in salaire égal… société toute entière ne sera plus qu’un seul bureau et un seul atelier avec égalité du travail et égalité du salaire. »« L’enregistrement et le contôle » ont déjà été « simplifiés à l’extrême » par le capitalisme et sous le communisme, ils se réduiront « aux opérations les plus simples de surveillance et d’inscription et à la délivrance de reçus correspondants, toutes choses à la portée de quiconque sait lire, écrire et connaît les quatre règles de l’arithmétique. »
Lénine, 1975, T. lll, p.366 (A. Besançon, Les Origines intellectuelles du léninisme.

Trois ans seulement après avoir pris le pouvoir, Lénine constatait que la Russie faisait face à la "ruine, la famine et la devastation".Lénine, Le rôle et les fonctions des syndicats sous la nouvelle politique économique, Oeuvre choisies, Vol. II, Chap. 2, P. 618

Einstein pouvait être un génie en physique mais il était certainement un imbécile en économie.

CRISE DE 1929 et New Deal

« There is, of course, no way to re-run the stock market crash of 1929 and have the federal government let the market ajust on its own to see how that experiment would turn out. The closest thing to such an experiment was the 1987 stock market crash similar in size but not in duration to the 1929 collapse. The Reagan administration did nothing, despite outrage in the media at the government’s failure to act.

“What will it take to wake up the White House ?” the New York Times asked, declaring that “the President abdicates leadership and courts disaster” Washington Post columnist Mary McGrory said chat Reaga “has been singularly indifferent” to the country’s “current pain and confusion”. The Financial Times of London said chat President Reagan “appears to lack the capacity to handle adversity” and “nobody seems to be in charge”.
A former official of the Carter administration criticized President Reaga’s “silence and inaction” following the 1987 stock market crash and compared him unfavorably to President Franklin D. Roosevelt whose “personnal style and bold commands would be a tonic” in the current crisis.

The irony in this was that FDR presided over an economy with seven cosecutive years of double-digit unemployment, while Reagan’s policy of letting the market recover on its own, far from leading to another Great Depression, led instead to one of the coutry’s longest periods of sustained economoc growth, low unemployment and low inflation, lasting twenty years."

Intellectuals and Society, Thomas Sowell, Basic Books, 2009


jcdturbant, 12 déc. 2006, Pinochet - Castro :Quand on aime, on compte pas.

"Voici quelques extraits des JT d’hier (notamment, on s’en doute, celui de Canal +, la chaîne qui confond impertinence et incontinence idéologique). En substance, voici, parmi mille autres choses, ce que l’on pouvait entendre sur nos petits écrans : « Pinochet a terminé sa carrière sur un échec politique retentissant : au référendum de 1990, les chiliens l’ont renvoyé du pouvoir » ! On peut voir les choses comme ça… On pourrait aussi dire que, contrairement à Castro, Pinochet a quitté volontairement le pouvoir et a accepté la transition vers la démocratie ! Mais ce serait laisser entendre que Pinochet était moins despote que son homologue cubain, et ça, la gauche française n’est pas prête à l’admettre !

Autre exemple : « Dans les années 70-80, il mène une politique ultra-libérale qui accroît les inégalités » ! Ca aussi il fallait s’y attendre : Pinochet = libéralisme = fascisme (lisez Sarko-Pino : même combat !) Nos journaleux sinistrés (du latin « sinister » etc.) préfèrent de loin les dictateurs socialistes qui ont ruiné leur pays en collectivisant l’économie, tandis que le Chili est aujourd’hui une des économies les plus solides d’Amérique latine…

Enfin, last but not least, AUCUN média français ne s’est employé à faire une comparaison, même sommaire, entre la dictature de Pinochet et celle de Castro. Et pourtant : il n’y a pas photo !

Pinochet = 16 ans de dictature terminées par un départ volontaire du dictateur et une transition démocratique réussie.

Castro = 47 ans de dictature qui devraient s’achever d’ici quelques semaines ou quelques mois par une transmission du pouvoir au frère cadet !Pinochet = environ 3000 morts en 16 ans et quelques milliers de prisonniers politiques. Castro = 15 à 17 000 personnes fusillées (vous avez bien lu !) en un demi-siècle et plus de 100 000 cubains (vous avez bien lu !) qui ont connu les camps ou les prisons cubaines (source : Le livre noir du communisme, Pocket, p 939).

Pinochet = laisse un pays prospère en quittant le pouvoir.

Castro = aura totalement ruiné son pays (un des plus riches d’Amérique latine en 1959, un des plus pauvres de la planète aujourd’hui) au moment où Dieu aura la bonne idée de le rappeler à lui !

Est-il vraiment nécessaire de poursuivre la démonstration ?Mais nos journalistes ont-ils seulement le temps de lire ? N’ont-ils pas trop à faire à répéter inlassablement les mêmes poncifs et les mêmes mensonges, acharnés qu’ils sont à défendre leur cause à défaut d’informer leur public ?
Voir aussi l’excellent édito de Stéphane dans Le meilleur des mondes."

mardi 20 juillet 2010

Wilders’ Message to Muslims

Posted by on Jul 20th, 2010
(Editor’s note: the new site asked Geert Wilders why he became anti-Islam and what his message would be to Muslims. Below is his response.)

From : FrontPage Mag 2010-07-20

I first visited an Islamic country in 1982.

I was 18 years old and had traveled with a Dutch friend from Eilat in Israel to the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm-el-Sheikh.
We were two almost penniless backpacking students.
We slept on the beaches and found hospitality with Egyptians, who spontaneously invited us to tea.

I clearly recall my very first impression of Egypt: I was overwhelmed by the kindness, friendliness and helpfulness of its people.

I also remember my second strong impression of Egypt: It struck me how frightened these friendly and kind people were.
While we were in Sharm el-Sheikh, President Mubarak happened to visit the place.

I remember the fear which suddenly engulfed the town when it was announced that Mubarak was coming on an unexpected visit; I can still see the cavalcade of black cars on the day of his visit and feel the almost physical awareness of fear, like a cold chill on that very hot day in Summer.
It was a weird experience; Mubarak is not considered the worst of the Islamic tyrants and yet, the fear of the ordinary Egyptians for their leader could be felt even by me. I wonder how Saudis feel when their King is in town, how Libyans feel when Gaddafi announces his coming, how Iraqis must have felt when Saddam Hussein was near. A few years later, I read in the Koran how the 7th century Arabs felt in the presence of Muhammad, who, as several verses describe, “cast terror into their hearts” (suras 8:12, 8:60, 33:26, 59:12).

From Sharm el-Sheikh, my friend and I went to Cairo. It was poor and incredibly dirty. My friend and I were amazed that such a poor and filthy place could be a neighbor of Israel, which was so clean. The explanation of the Arabs, with whom we discussed their poverty, was that they were not in any way to blame for this affliction: They said they were the victims of a global conspiracy of “imperialists” and “Zionists”, aimed at keeping Muslims poor and subservient. I found that explanation unconvincing. My instinct told me it had something to do with the different cultures of Israel and Egypt.

I made a mistake in Cairo. We had almost no money and I was thirsty. One could buy a glass of water at public water collectors. It did not look clean, but I drank it. I got a terrible diarrhea. I went to a hostel where one could rent a spot on the floor for two dollars a day. There I lay for several days, a heap of misery in a crowded, stinking room, with ten other guys. Once Egypt had been the most advanced civilization on earth. Why had it not progressed along with the rest of the world?

In the late 1890s, Winston Churchill was a soldier and a war correspondent in British India (contemporary Pakistan) and the Sudan. Churchill was a perceptive young man, whose months in Pakistan and the Sudan allowed him to grasp with amazing clarity what the problem is with Islam and “the curses it lays on its votaries.”

“Besides the fanatical frenzy, …, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy,” he wrote. “The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist where the followers of the Prophet rule or live. … The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to a sole man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. … Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities – but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.” And Churchill concluded: “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”

There are people who say that I hate Muslims. I do not hate Muslims. It saddens me how Islam has robbed them of their dignity.What Islam does to Muslims is visible in the way they treat their daughters. On March 11, 2002, fifteen Saudi schoolgirls died as they attempted to flee from their school in the holy city of Mecca. A fire had set the building ablaze. The girls ran to the school gates but these were locked. The keys were in the possession of a male guard, who refused to open the gates because the girls were not wearing the correct Islamic dress imposed on women by Saudi law: face veils and overgarments.

The “indecently” dressed girls frantically tried to save their young lives. The Saudi police beat them back into the burning building. Officers of the Mutaween, the “Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice,” as the Police are known in Saudi Arabia, also beat passers-by and firemen who tried to help the girls. “It is sinful to approach them,” the policemen warned bystanders. It is not only sinful, it is also a criminal offence.

Girls are not valued highly in Islam; the Koran says that the birth of a daughter makes a father’s “face darken and he is filled with gloom” (sura 43:15). Nevertheless, the incident at the Mecca school drew angry reactions. Islam is inhumane; but Muslims are humans, hence capable of Love – that powerful force which Muhammad despised. Humanity prevailed in the Meccan fathers who were incensed over the deaths of their daughters; it also prevailed in the firemen who confronted the Mutaween when the latter were beating the girls back inside, and in the journalists of the Saudi paper which, for the first time in Saudi history, criticized the much feared and powerful “Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.”

However, Muslim protests against Islamic inhumanity are rare. Most Muslims, even in Western countries, visit mosques and listen to shocking Koranic verses and to repulsive sermons without revolting against them.
I am an agnosticus myself. But Christians and Jews hold that God created man in His image. They believe that by observing themselves, as free and rational beings capable of love, they can come to know Him. They can even reason with Him, as the Jews have done throughout their history. The Koran, on the contrary, states that “Nothing can be compared with Allah” (sura 16:74, 42:11). He has absolutely nothing in common with us. It is preposterous to suppose that Allah created man in his image. The biblical concept that God is our father is not found in Islam. There is no personal relationship between man and Allah, either. The purpose of Islam is the total submission of oneself and others to the unknowable Allah, whom we must serve through total obedience to Muhammad as leader of the Islamic state (suras 3:31, 4:80, 24:62, 48:10, 57:28). And history has taught us that Muhammad was not at all a prophet of love and compassion, but a mass murderer, a tyrant and a pedophile. Muslims could not have a more deplorable role model.

Without individual freedom, it is not surprising that the notion of man as a responsible agent is not much developed in Islam. Muslims tend to be very fatalistic. Perhaps – let us certainly hope so – only a few radicals take the Koranic admonition to wage jihad on the unbelievers seriously. Nevertheless, most Muslims never raise their voice against the radicals. This is the “fearful fatalistic apathy” Churchill referred to.
The author Aldous Huxley, who lived in North Africa in the 1920s, made the following observation: “About the immediate causes of things – precisely how they happen – they seem to feel not the slightest interest. Indeed, it is not even admitted that there are such things as immediate causes: God is directly responsible for everything. ‘Do you think it will rain?’ you ask pointing to menacing clouds overhead. ‘If God wills,’ is the answer. You pass the native hospital. ‘Are the doctors good?’ ‘In our country,’ the Arab gravely replies, in the tone of Solomon, ‘we say that doctors are of no avail. If Allah wills that a man die, he will die. If not, he will recover.’ All of which is profoundly true, so true, indeed, that is not worth saying. To the Arab, however, it seems the last word in human wisdom. … They have relapsed – all except those who are educated according to Western methods – into pre-scientific fatalism, with its attendant incuriosity and apathy.”

Islam deprives Muslims of their freedom. That is a shame, because free people are capable of great things, as history has shown. The Arab, Turkish, Iranian, Indian, Indonesian peoples have tremendous potential. It they were not captives of Islam, if they could liberate themselves from the yoke of Islam, if they would cease to take Muhammad as a role model and if they got rid of the evil Koran, they would be able to achieve great things which would benefit not only them but the entire world.

As a Dutch, a European and a Western politician, my responsibility is primarily to the Dutch people, to the Europeans and the West. However, since the liberation of the Muslims from Islam, will benefit all of us, I wholeheartedly support Muslims who love freedom. My message to them is clear: “Fatalism is no option; ‘Inch’ Allah’ is a curse;
Submission is a disgrace.

Free yourselves. It is up to you.

Geert Wilders


Coran:8;12-13 Je vais jeter l’effroi dans le coeur des incrédules: frappez sur leurs cous; frappez-les tous aux jointures. Il en fut ainsi parce qu’ils se sont séparés d’Allah et de son Prophète, Allah est terrible dans son châtiment envers celui qui se sépare d’Allah et de son Prophète.

Coran:8;60 Préparez pour lutter contre eux, tout ce que vous trouverez de forces et de cavalerie, afin d’effrayer l’ennemi d’Allah et le vôtre et d’autres encore que vous ne connaissez pas, en dehors de ceux-ci mais que Allah connaît.

Coran:33;26 Il a fait descendre de leurs forteresses ceux des gens du Livre taillées aux factions. Il a jeté l’effroi en leurs cœurs. Vous avez alors tué une partie d’entre eux et vous avez réduit les autres en esclavage.

Coran:59;12 Vous jetez certainement dans leurs cœurs plus de terreur qu’Allah lui-même parce que ce sont des gens qui ne comprennent pas.

Coran:43;15-19 Allah se serait-il donné des filles parmi les êtres qu’il a crées alors que, pour vous il aurait choisi des fils ? Lorsqu’on annonce à l’un d’entre eux la naissance de ce qu’il attribue au Miséricordieux,son visage s’assombrit, il suffoque : « Eh quoi ! cet être qui grandit parmi les colifichets et qui discute sans raison !… » Ils considèrent les Anges, seviteurs du Miséricordieux comme des femelles.

Coran:16;74 Allah sait et vous, vous ne savez pas.

Coran:42;12 Rien n’est semblable à lui.

Petite digression pour que vous puissiez admirer les enseignements du Coran :

Coran 16;76 Allah propose en parabole deux hommes : l’un est muet, il ne peut rien faire, il est à charge de son maître. Quelque lieu où celui-ci l’envoie, cet homme ne lui rapporte rien de bon. Est-il l’égal de celui qui ordonne l’équité et qui suit une voie droite ?

Dans le Coran, un homme muet « ne peut rien faire » , « il est à charge de son maître », il ne suit pas « une voie droite » il n’ « ordonne pas l’équité ». !!!!!!!!! Allah parle d’une façon insensée, il dit des bêtises : Au contraire, un muet peut faire beaucoup de choses, il n’est absolument pas à charge de son maître parce qu’il est muet, il peut lui rapporter autant que n’importe quel autre travailleur, il n’ « ordonne pas l’iniquité » parce qu’il ne parle pas et il peut suivre la « voie droite » comme n’importe qui. Mesurez la différence des enseignements du Coran et ceux des Évangiles.

Le Coran est rempli de telles absurdités et d’enseignements mauvais. Allah-Mahomet approuve le vol, le brigandage, l’esclavage, le viol, le meurtre, Allah sauve et damne qui il veut, arbitrairement, Allah se réjouit des souffrances des incrédules, Allah choisit ceux qui vont croire et ceux qui ne croiront pas sans qu’intervienne aucun libre arbitre. etc. etc.

Coran:3;31 Obéissez à Allah et à son Prophète. Mais si vous vous détournez, sachez qu’Allah n’aime pas les incrédules.

Coran :4;80 Ceux qui obéissent au Prophète obéissent à Allah.

Coran :24;62 Seuls sont croyants ceux qui croient en Allah et en son Prophète.

Coran :48;10 Ceux qui te prêtent un serment d’allégeance ne font que prêter serment à Allah. La main d’Allah est posée sur leurs mains.

Coran 57 :28 O vous les croyants ! Craignez Allah ! Croyez en son Prophète.

(Remarquez qu’ Allah parle de lui-même à la troisième personne et que partout Mahomet est l’égal d’Allah. Mahomet EST Allah et Allah EST Mahomet. Les Musulmans révèrent plus Mahomet qu’Allah lui-même. Pourtant….. Mahomet a été polythéiste dans son enfance, a commis beaucoup de « péchés », n’est pas assuré de son salut, n’a jamais fait de miracles, ne s’est jamais élevé au dessus des autres hommes comme modèle de vertu et de conduite. On n’a qu’à lire le Coran, la Sura et les Hadiths pour s’en convaincre.)

Soyez assurés que ce qui va secouer la léthargie des Musulmans au XXl siècle c'est le Jihad, la guerre contre les infidèles. L'Islam sans ennemis, sans guerre, sans pillage matériel et culturel retombe dans la médiocrité et la misère que les enseignements du Coran archaïques, arriérés et retrogrades rendent inévitables.

dimanche 6 juin 2010

Bande de caves !

… C’est en 1955, l’année de Bandoeng, que la propagande anti israélienne s’exaspéra au Caire :

"Notre guerre contre les Juifs est une vieille lutte, qui débuta avec Mahomet ...Notre devoir est de nous battre contre les Juifs, pour l’amour de Dieu et de la religion, et il est de notre devoir d’achever la lutte que Mahomet a entreprise…" (Al Ahram 26-11-1955) "Dieu a rassemblé les sionistes des quatre coins du monde, de sorte que les Arabes puissent les anéantir d’un seul coup" (6-9-1956) ( p. 83-86)

C'est encore l'objectif des Islamistes et des Musulmans en général. Ils obéissent au Coran et à Mahomet. Le fond du problème palestinien est là.
Haïr, tuer, massacrer, soumettre, taxer et humilier les Juifs et les "infidèles" que nous sommes, est un devoir religieux. Lisez le Coran, "bande de caves" !

Voir un Étât israélien fort, prospère, moderne, démocratique est intolérable pour l'orgeuil Musulman quand on sait que le Coran, Mahomet, Allah les destinaient à l'avilissement, la honte, la soumission, la mort. Les Juifs font mentir Allah et Mahomet et le Coran.

Et qui vit dans la misère et l'avilissement : LES MUSULMANS !

Carter - Obama

  1. June 3rd, 2010 8:43 am
    Our 1979 by Victor Davis Hanson, Newsreal Blog

    The Year That Was
    It has been sort of a topos to evoke the specter of 1979. I’ve done it repeatedly, as have other observers.
    Aside from the growing stagflation in the U.S. (I remember farming that year at the ending of an inflation-driven boom), that was the year that China invaded Vietnam. Muslims assassinated the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan. Russia later invaded Afghanistan. The world seemed to have become unhinged. And there was more still.
    The shah was abandoned and soon fell, amid American proclamations of support for him on Monday, and then denunciation of his dynasty by Tuesday, and yet more leaked reports on Wednesday of reaching out to Khomeini in Paris. Soon in his death throes he would jet the globe looking for a home and a doctor, as the U.S. let the phone ring when he called.
    Soon Ayatollah Khomeini arrived in Teheran from Paris and proclaimed an Islamic revolution. Iranian students (Ahmadinejad probably among them) stormed our embassy and took hostages. In no time Ramsey Clark was denouncing America on Iran’s behalf, and rumors abounded of Carter’s backdoor deal-making to get them home at any cost before the 1980 election. (In 1980 a humiliating and disastrous rescue mission would see imams desecrating American dead on worldwide television. I recall an odious Ayatollah Sadegh Khalkhal, the hanging judge who sent thousands to the gallows, zipping open the body-bags to poke and probe the charred American corpses.)
    The Sandinistas also took over Nicaragua. Radical Islamists torched the U.S. embassy in Pakistan. I could go on, but you get the picture. In all these cases, a baffled Mr. Carter sermonized a lot, blamed a lot — and in the end retired to the Rose Garden or fought rabbits from a canoe. He seemed petulant that he had come into the world in divine fashion to save us, and we flawed mortals were unwilling to be saved by him. The so-called “malaise speech” summed up his disappointment in the rest of us.
    And after such a wonderful beginning…
    So 1979 followed two years of Carteresque utopian proclamations. Do we remember them all still? There was Cy Vance, in perfect aristocratic style, and in perpetual atonement for his earlier support of the Vietnam War, with his creased brow and sermonizing tone, bringing in the kinder, gentler order. He resigned over the failed hostage rescue, replaced by a stoic Ed Muskie. And there was Andrew Young at the UN trying to be a sort of proto-Barack Obama, reaching out to the radical Palestinians, and so on.
    Remember the commandments? No more inordinate fear of communism; human rights governing U.S. foreign policy; no more nuclear weapons housed in South Korea which was to be free of U.S. troops; outreach to the terrorist/rebel/reformer Mugabe, and so on.
    In other words, it took a flawed world about 24 months to size up the new idealistic administration, and to determine that it either could not or would not continue U.S. foreign policy of the previous three decades. Soon the more daring then decided to make “regional adjustments.” Finally a panicked Carter was attempting everything from boycotting the Olympics and arming Islamists in Afghanistan to threatening to use nuclear weapons in the Middle East and restoring draft registration to reclaim lost U.S. deterrence.
    Here we go again…
    Obama started out in similar fashion with his first al-Arabiya interview. Then followed the apology tour, the bowing, the Cairo myth-making speech, the reach out to Ahmadinejad, Assad, Castro, Chavez, and Putin, the estrangement with Israel, the neglect of the brave Iranian dissidents, the phony deadlines over Iranian proliferation, the missile defense walk-back from the Poles and Czechs, the constant Bush-bashing reset-button diplomacy rhetoric, the serial humiliation of things British, the failed deal to appease Putin in hopes of Russian help in stopping Iran from going nuclear, the new loud commitment to the UN, the promises to end all nuclear weapons, the nuke deal with Russia that saw us give up sophisticated weapons to match dismantling of poorer Russian models—all amid a backdrop of massive U.S. spending and the highest two budget deficits in American financial history.
    We have sowed and now we shall reap, and so soon we shall endure our first post-national, post-racial, Nobel Laureate president treated quite shabbily by those whom he was supposed to mesmerize. In places like Teheran or Damascus, Obama’s racial heritage, his Harvard Law Review billet, his membership in the Trinity Church, his brotherhood with Wright and Ayers, all that and more mean less than zero. To such thugs, Obama is the face of America, and he is to be tested rather than worshipped. Hugo Chavez is not a Harvard dean; Putin is not a senior Newsweek editor. Their legs do not tingle when they hear the president, except perhaps in giddy anticipation of what they might wrestle from him. They are not impressed with identity politics; they care little for degrees or titles; they have no elite white guilt. Again, Obama is just an American president who must be analyzed, tested, and if need be dared and humiliated.
    Back to 1979
    In 1979 fashion, we have seen Syria sell missiles to Hezbollah. Iran almost weekly boasts of getting nukes and ending Israel. The North Koreans torpedoed a South Korean ship, killed 46 South Koreans, and await a reply to see how this latest round of extortion works. China seems amused that its neighbors like South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan are learning from the incident that their vibrant economies don’t always translate into real power. Turkey is emerging as the new southeastern regional hegemon, as an Islamist rallying voice against Israel. U.S. nonproliferation policy has been outsourced to Brazil and Turkey. Our sanctions against Teheran are going nowhere.
    At the current rate, expect within a year or two for Iran to go nuclear (it will make North Korea’s nuclear antics and extortion seem like child’s play). Worry about some sort of Mideast war, perhaps begun with a tripartite missile shower on Israel, from Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza. China continues to expand its muscles and hopes that Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea drift away from a weakening U.S. protectorate. I think Turkey is de facto no longer a NATO member as we once knew it (will it evoke Article 5 if it gets into a shooting sea war with Israel?), in the manner Greece is really not a part of the EU (does anyone think it will pay back more than $150 billion at rates at or above 8%). Both stay in these organizations because their charters were obsessed with new memberships without any guide about how to expel existing members. Oddly they both seem to resent northern Europe and the U.S. almost as much as they hate each other. Expect the southern Mediterranean to be a very dangerous place, with Greece, Israel, and Turkey mixed up amid a backdrop of financial insolvency, estrangement from the U.S. and Europe, Iranian nukes, and Islamic adventurism.
    In addition a Germany, quite understandably, will begin to look out for its own interests in a way that history warns against. (I half imagine in some vault in a German bank there are trillions of Deutsche marks already printed and waiting.)
    All this will transpire, as in 1979, amid utopian rhetoric, bashing of a prior president, and angst, whining, and blame gaming that the world is not working out as it should, given that our own messianic laureate deigned to sacrifice his time and energy on their behalf.
    From 1979 to 2010
    About every 30-40 years, democratic citizenries begin to become complacent. They assume their defenses are unnecessary if not destabilizing, and take away from more needed social services and income redistribution. Deterrence and preparedness are assumed in turn the stone-age tools of unsophisticated mind. The peace that follows from past victories and postwar deterrence is considered artificial, and can instead grow far more organically from professed good intentions and signs of magnanimity, if not apology. Philosopher kings assure the world of a new age to come, one in which a new human nature replaces the old Neanderthal pessimism. Slogans that “we are the ones we have been waiting for,” “yes, we can,” “this is the moment,” and so on usher in the new golden age, free of nukes and war itself.
    Carter’s Christian self-righteousness was simply a religious variant on Wilson’s academic haughtiness; Obama’s elite condescension—human nature can be uplifted and changed if it follows the exalted behavior of our president—is a mixture of Chicago activism and the hothouse of academia.
    Again, remember 1979. I imagine that, like Carter, Obama will begin scrambling to restore deterrence, since the alternative would mean the end of his plans for amnesty, cap and trade and more expansion of the social welfare state. So expect a sudden tough line with Korea, more warnings to Iran, and in general some Carter-like posturing to make up for lost time.
    We are in a very dangerous age indeed.

Hypocrisie turque.

The Modern Turkish Variety of International Hypocrisy
2010 June 5

by Alexander Levkovsky
tags: Armenian Genocide, Greek pogroms, Israel, News, Politics, Tayyip Erdogan

On June 4, the pious and virtuous Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, lecturing the “cruel and heartless” Israel, publicly proclaimed:
I am openly appealing to the conscience of all humanity. During war, children should not be attacked, during war women and the elderly should not be attacked, during war civilians and religious men and women should not be attacked.
Reading this sermon, I wondered: did the words Armenian genocide cross the Prime Minister’s mind when he delivered that lofty speech? How could he appeal “to all humanity” on behalf of the Turkish society, whose history is forever spattered with the blood of innocent Armenian children and women? Didn’t he know that in 1915 his compatriots had committed the first genocide in the world history – and not against their external enemies, but against their own citizens?
The encyclopedia of the Armenian people,, renders this description of those horrific events:
On April 25th, 1915, hundreds of Armenian leaders were murdered in Istanbul after being summoned and gathered. The now leaderless Armenian people were to follow.
[The genocide] was implemented through wholesale massacres and deportations, with the deportations consisting of forced marches under conditions designed to lead to the death of the deportees. The total number of resulting Armenian deaths is generally held to have been between one and one and a half million.
Well, maybe Mr. Prime Minister thinks that the massacre of the Armenians is not such a big deal, since it had occurred almost 100 years ago. Then what about the massacres and pogroms of Greeks, which had taken place in not so distant past? Doesn’t Mr Erdogan remember the frightful 1955 Greek pogroms in Istanbul? Doesn’t he know that the Turkish mob had been assaulting the Istanbul’s Greek community for nine horrendous hours in a row?
The New World Dictionary of the American language defines hypocrisy as “pretending to be what one is not; or to feel what one does not feel, especially, a pretense of virtue and piety.”
But his definition should be classified as the description of simple hypocrisy; and, because of its simplicity, this definition cannot be applied to Mr. Tayyip Erdogan. He is a worthy representative of the more sophisticated degree of this phenomenon – the so-called international hypocrisy.
Mr. Erdogan is not a fool; he knows very well that in confronting the gang of Islamic and Leftist thugs near the shores of Gaza on May 31 the Israeli Navy acted responsibly. Still, being the ultimate hypocrite, with all the blood of the massacred Armenians and Greeks soiling the Turkish history, he didn’t hesitate to lecture the “brutal” Israelis with this homily:
The sixth commandment says “thou shalt not kill“. Did you not understand? I’ll say again. I say in English “you shall not kill“. To slay innocent people, to treat civilians like terrorists is degradation in the eyes of humanity.
No, Mr. Erdogan, Israeli soldiers didn’t treat “civilians like terrorists”; they treated terrorists like terrorists.
And the real degradation in the eyes of humanity is to falsely accuse the truly democratic Israel by Prime Minister of the country, culpable of killing 1.5 million of its own citizens.

An Open Letter to Turkey
by Daniel Greenfield

Dear Former Friends, Ever since you decided to trade in the Secularism of Ataturk for the Islamism of Erdogan, you also seem to have dispensed with the ability to coexist with non-Muslims on a peaceful basis. These days all we ever seem to get from you, is video clips of your leader, Prime Minister Erdogan, barking at us like a dog that its owner carelessly let off the leash. And if you don't know that Erdogan's owner lives in Riyadh, then you don't know very much of what goes on in your own country.
But your affairs are your own affairs. And our affairs are our affairs. If you want to let a fanatic in a cheap suit destroy Turkish nationalism in the name of Islam, that's your business. But when he gets into business with terrorist organizations who attack and murder our soldiers, then it's our business. And when a country that persecutes its Kurdish, Assyrian and Armenian citizens, and sends their elected representatives to jail-- presumes to self-righteously lecture us on how to manage our affairs, it had better remember that holding a stone throwing contest in a glass house will just lead to piles of broken glass.

You say you want an international investigation into the flotilla raid? Sure. Right after we have an international investigation into that minor matter of Armenian genocide that you've been ducking for quite a while. As the new "standard bearer" in fighting for human rights, I'm sure you will agree that it's only fair that Turkey should undergo the same scrutiny it demands for other countries. And then we can move on to the more than 10,000 political prisoners in your jails. A number that at times has topped 100,000. An independent investigation could also begin by looking into the torture and murder of political activists such as Engin Ceber. They could meet with representatives of TAYAD, the organization representing the families of prisoners. And they would no doubt be fascinated by the more than 1500 children in your prisoners who are there on "terrorism" charges. Like that 12 year old you arrested in 2008 for singing a Kurdish folk song.

So by all means wrap yourselves in the banner of "Human Rights" and we'll turn it into a noose and strangle you with it. In Israel, Arabs are a legally recognized minority. Arabic is taught in schools and used as a legally recognized language. Meanwhile Kurdish identity is all but banned in Turkey. Kurdish names, folk songs and even the Kurdish language itself has been repressed. Your regime has actually prosecuted and removed officials for simply incorporating a Kurdish phrase into a greeting. You screech self-righteously about the "Palestinian children"-- perhaps we should talk about the hundreds of Kurdish children arrested for throwing stones at protests. Arrested and charged with terrorism. Just more of the thousands of political prisoners of oppressed minorities in your prisons. And perhaps next time your dog Erdogan gets up to bark up at us about human rights, we can stuff this in his mouth. Jenin, the Second Lebanon War and every armed encounter between Israel and Islamic terrorists over the last 20 years combined together killed fewer people, than your country did in 1997 alone. After you get through lecturing us on the use of force against Islamic terrorists, shall we discuss how many times you used jets to bomb Kurdish rebels who were lightly armed at best. Including in 2008 when you invaded sovereign Iraqi soil in order to continue your genocide of the Kurdish people. You talk about stolen land, when your entire country is stolen land, from Cyprus to Istanbul. Your regime is a racist illegitimate entity based on the oppression of the Kurds, the Armenians, the Assyrians, the Circassians and numerous others. You went directly from being Imperialists to Fascists to Islamists, a truly dubious achievement for any nation.

Your history is filled with slavery, ethnic cleansing, genocide and invasion. And that's just in the last century alone.

If you had any sanity or shame, you would dig a hole, crawl into it, and hope that no one mentions words like "Minority Rights" or "Territorial Legitimacy" in your presence, instead of trying to use them as a club against a nation whose national history predates yours by thousands of years.

We had kingdoms and a civilization that changed the world, back when your ancestors were still trying to decide whether to eat the sheep or rape it. But let us get back to your precious Islamist flotilla, decorated with Turkish flags that used to be more than just red versions of the Saudi flag. That ship you filled up with Muslim Brotherhood members and Islamist radicals bound for our shores. Over in your wonderful nation of boundless freedom, reporters have been put on trial for even interviewing leaders of terrorist groups. You sentenced the head of a Kurdish party to six months in prison for calling the head of the PKK, Mr. Ocalan, instead of just Ocalan. He joins the more than 800 Kurdish politicians you imprisoned in the last year alone. And after all that you actually have the nerve to pretend to be "outraged" when Israel intercepts your flotilla full of political terrorists? But of course we know how strongly you feel about blockades. Like the time you blockaded Armenia for Sixteen Years. Very well then. If you insist on sending vessels flying the Turkish flag to aid Hamas, perhaps we'll begin sending vessels flying the Israeli flag to aid the PKK. We're not big fans of the PKK, but since you've decided to friend Hamas, then what's good for the turkey, just might be good for the gander. We can also fill a flotilla full of senile troublemakers, phony survivors and leftist radicals-- along with a few hundred well armed "activists" who know how to use a knife. Or perhaps we won't bother with any of that. Instead for every boat flying the Turkish flag that invades our territory, we'll donate a million to the PKK. I wonder how many rocket launchers that would buy. Perhaps the next time, your air force sweeps in to bomb Kurds out of their homes, they might get a surprise or two. And then there's the Republic of Cyprus, which has actually been helping us stop weapons smuggling. They might benefit from significantly upgraded air defenses. While the US insists on equalizing weapons sales to Turkey and Greece, we just might have something tastier to offer to one side. And the citizens of the Republic of Cyprus might actually be able to sleep soundly in their beds, instead of being intimidated by savages showing off their F-16's over their heads. The Cyprus National Guard likes our drones, just like you do. But what if they had a much better equalizer at their disposal? Being a small non-Muslim nation surrounded by much larger Muslim countries, we do have a certain fondness for the infidel underdog. Oh I know, what you're going to say. This means war. But you might want to consider that we've fought and beaten enemies many times our size. And what exactly was the last war you won single-handedly? And no, bombing starving Kurdish rebels from the air, or occupying Cyprus doesn't count. And how long could you fight that war, before a domestic Kurdish insurgency overthrows your little empire. If that doesn't happen, you might want to think about the big Russian bear at your back. The bear has been eyeing you for a long time now. And with your military engaged in a disastrous war for the Great Caliphate, your borders would be temptingly open. And who exactly would bail you out then? Oh I know you've made many great news friends, such as Ahmadinejad and that nice burnoosed king in the Arabian Desert, who tells your Erdogan when to jump and how high, but if you think Iran is about to pass up Russian nukes in order to bail you out, you've got another thing coming.

Meanwhile old Abdullah in the desert can't even protect himself without the US Marines. And if you think Obama would send them in to save your asses, you've got another thing coming. I'm sure if there were Russian tanks headed to Ankara, he'd make a vocal statement about it. And Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov would pretend not to laugh while hanging up the phone. There is of course the European Union. Last time Russia pulled that trick, it was Britain that bailed you out in the Crimean War. But these days Her Majesty's Empire isn't quite in the same shape it used to be. Sure Cameron, Clegg and Harman will lick Erdogan's feet. But none of them want to be the next Tony Blair either. Germany doesn't like you very much anymore. Perhaps that time when it got enmeshed in WW1 to protect your Ottoman Empire may have put them off. Or your internal campaign of subversion exploiting Germany's horde of Turkish laborers. What are you left with then? France, Italy or perhaps Austria will forget that whole pesky Gates of Vienna thing and this time ride to your rescue. No, when Russian commandos are ripping off your wife's Burqa-- there will be no one left to save you. Not your newfound allies, or Erdogan who will take the first plane to Riyadh, with as many Lira as his sweaty hands can shove into the pockets of his cheap suit. And just think of it, as the Hagia Sophia church that you turned into a mosque, will become a church again. Istanbul will once again be Constantinople, which means a certain catchy 20's song will require a rewrite. Of course it may not happen exactly that way. But it will happen. Erdogan's plan to suppress and integrate Kurds into a Muslim Turkey will not succeed. And his antagonizing of former allies means that Turkey is exchanging friends, for enemies. Meanwhile your new friends happen to share borders with you and have territorial claims on your land.

So when that day of reckoning comes, you will find that you have made enemies of former allies such as Israel and the US-- and that the new allies Erdogan has found for you in Iran and Syria would prefer a Russian controlled Turkey, that has no chance of ever reverting to a Kemalist government. And Erdogan's godfather in Saudi Arabia commands oil money, not troops. And while he might be willing to sink Turkey for the sake of Islam, perhaps there are Turks who value their nation, more than Islamism. If not, you can look forward to Erdogan "reforming" your country, until it has the military might of Pakistan, the literacy level of Saudi Arabia and the poverty rate of Egypt. It is of course your choice. A people have the right to choose their destiny, for good or ill.

And if you find that this letter is filled with contempt, it is a contempt fully merited by a regime that seeks to cloak its shameful betrayal of a former ally in the guise of human rights, when it brutally suppresses the rights of its own minorities. You may wish to go on dancing to the tune being played by Erdogan, to sheet music composed in Riyadh. It is a very good tune. Filled with hate, violence and religious fanaticism. That also is your choice. But know that whatever you have was bought and paid by your ancestors who understood that Turkey would either modernize out of the gutter of Islam, or it would be washed away by the colonial tide. Your power does not come from Islam, it comes from the bread crusts of civilization that fall from the table of Europe. Abandon them for the red hued madness of the Jihad, and you will not rule over an empire, but over a wasteland. If you doubt that, look to the south and to the east. Look to the desert. You came from there once. And if you throw away civilization for the fanatical madness of Islam-- you will return there again. Sincerely Yours A Descendant of a Subject of the Ottoman Empire

Daniel GreenfieldCopyright - Original materials copyright (c) by the authors.

dimanche 2 mai 2010

The Origins of the Qur'an, Robert Spencer

Spencer interview: The Origins of the Qur'an

Here is part 7 of my interview last Monday with NYC ITV. You can access all of the segments of the interview here (they're on the lower right).

Stealth Jihad

A Muslim Insider's Chilling Warning: How Muslims are Building Secret Army for Takeover of Germany Aided by Over-tolerance Sunday, 02 May 2010 05:30 German Muslim Insider

Some Germans are already trying to be good toward Muslims, hoping to avoid persecution when a most-likely Muslim takeover takes place. But make no mistake: Islamists know no tolerance, but only subservience. They know no gratitude or appreciation for services rendered, but only the ruthless pursuit of power, warns the author.
A German Muslim, who had been a leader of now-dissolved Islamic organizations, published the following open letter in German about the steady build-up for radica Islamic takeover of Germany, thanks to its overtolerance. The following translation of the letter appeared in Gates of Viena Website.
I am a Muslim and I know what I am talking about!
I was the chairman of two Islamic societies, both now dissolved. Due to my knowledge of Muslim politics and languages I was able to gain access to the parts of Islamic society which are sealed off to Europeans.
I have been a keen observer of the Islamic movement in Germany since 1968, back when no Muslim thought about building mosques or having dual citizenship.
CM rightly states that we are now facing an unprecedented number of mosques and construction plans for future mosques. This, evidently, is not a coincidence.
The stealth occupation of German and European cities by the Muslim Brotherhood and the World Islamic Congress is taking shape steadily and in spite of all rivalries. This is the main objective of every Muslim organisation in Germany. Make no mistake about this.
The already-existing mosques and centers of Islamic societies in Germany reach well beyond the purpose of religious practice and education. They are secretly dedicated to the training of a large number of Turk military reservists within the already-established secret army of Islam.
Young Turks from fundamentalist families who have fulfilled their military service are brought into Germany by the IGMG (The Islamic Society of Millî Görü?).
Members of IGMG with German-born daughters possessing permanent residence permits are encouraged to ‘marry off’ their daughters to males selected by the IGMG. Through this ‘marriage’ the male Turk is granted a permanent residence permit as well. This is how a secret army is built.
Germany was chosen as the center for these initiatives because it has the greatest percentage of Turkish residents, but also because everything that even smells like immigrant hostility is banned and ostracised, and every warning, however justified, is repudiated as hatred towards foreigners, providing ideal cover for the activities of Muslim fundamentalists.
I am well aware of the mindset of all Islamic groups within Germany. We were a small group of German Muslims who fell prey to the erroneous belief that we could somehow eliminate a considerable number of the Christian-haters from the circle of fanatic believers, but this is not possible. Even the most ordinary Muslim feels superior to all Christian Europeans. Do not expect this to change into any loving sentiments. You would be fooling yourself.
It is simply not going to happen.
Lately there has been a lot of talk about the issue of dual citizenship for Turkish immigrants. The Islamic fundamentalists have demanded this dual citizenship for years, although not publicly. This was done by the Germans themselves in ignorance of the dangers related to the issue.
With the gratification of this demand the Islamists have successfully completed an important step towards the realisation of their plans for a European takeover, because if a large number of the above-mentioned Turks were ever to exceed the limits of German tolerance, they would always have the option of invoking their Turkish citizenship to avoid unpleasant consequences.
What is impossible even in Turkey is happening in Germany, aided by government institutions: the construction of a secret army of Islamic fundamentalists by the Muslim Brotherhood. And behind them stands the IKHWAN al MUSLIMIN with a headquarters in Pakistan and the RABITA al ISLAMI operating from Mecca. Both of these organisations are funded by rich oil-states.
The recent hysteria concerning ‘hatred of foreigners’ caused by the awful killing of defenceless women and children of Turkish origin plays right into the hands of Islamists and enables them to pursue and expand their covert activities uninterrupted. Every objection to their undertakings is effectively silenced by accusations of immigrant hostility and incitement of hatred.
Add to this the fact that many Christians are actively promoting the rise of Islam in the false belief that this might spare them as targets of persecution if the aspirations of fundamentalist Islam someday proved victorious.
But everybody should know that there is no dialogue with Islamists; there is only subservience to the fundamentalists. These people know no gratitude or appreciation with regard to services rendered. They only know the ruthless pursuit of power.
In recent times the personal relationships between Germans and Turks have become noticeably cold and distant. Internal communications within the IGMG of Cologne recommend segregating ourselves from Christians. Not only that, but assaults on Turks are even welcomed in order to provoke the well-meaning German authorities into fighting ‘hostility towards immigrants’, in effect making it possible to condemn any defensive efforts as incitement of hatred.
A few statements by IGMG reveal their agenda: ‘Down with all political systems except Islamic rule! The Power belongs to Allah, his messenger, and the believers. We will crush the skull of anyone who opposes Sharia.’
Even more explicitly, ‘The European is an atheist idolater, an extortionist, a capitalist, socialist, Zionist, communist, imperialist. He is constantly drunk and horny, adulterous and materialistic. He has sold himself to the devil. They are all agents and spies. They might appear to be doctors, nurses, wise teachers, or trade unionists, but they are all enemies of Islam.’
These are statements of the IGMG against the German society hosting them! Some people might accuse me of over-dramatising the situation, but I have been following these developments with ever-growing horror for years as an insider.
I feel inclined to warn against a development within German society which, if not stopped in due time, could become an all-encompassing disaster for all Europeans. And by this coming disaster I mean the subjugation of the Europeans under the dictates of Islamic fanaticism.
The expansion of fundamentalist Islam is promoted by the Germans themselves. Just think about all of the building permits granted for the construction of mosques. Almost every week a new mosque is opened.
Consider the support for Christian-Islamic dialogue through churches and clerical publications.
Let me tell you, as a knowledgeable Muslim who was able to move around in Islamic circles closed to all Christians: there is no Christian-Islamic dialogue!
From an Islamic point of view there can be no dialogue founded on mutual understanding. There is only submission. And according to authoritative Islamic teachings, all non-Muslims must submit to Islam.
What most people fail to recognise with regard to all the buzz surrounding Christian-Islamic dialogue is the inherent objective, namely, the weakening of Christianity. Do not believe any ruling politician who claims to be unaware of this.
These politicians elected by well-meaning Christians betray their own electorate. They allow the oppression of their own religion in their own country. And this is done in spite of clear biblical warnings: ‘Receive a stranger into thine house, and he will disturb thee, and turn thee out of thine own.’ [Ecclesiasticus 11:34, King James Bible]
How shameful having to be told this by a Muslim. But I am a German Muslim, and I have to stand up against the deceptions and fairytales imposed upon otherwise clear-minded German citizens.
The Germans harbour no hostility towards foreigners. This false meme is propagated in order to silence criticism and hide the subversive activities of Muslim fanatics against Germany.
The politicians will not receive any gratitude for their multicultural sympathies. All they achieve is the advancement of powers hostile towards Christians and Germans, thus encouraging even more outrageous insults directed against German citizens.
The German politicians should be made aware of the fact that foreign Muslims are laughing scornfully at the ‘stupid German man’.All who suffer from the delusion that embracing a multicultural society will somehow spare them the future consequences need to reconsider that stance. They are going to experience the same subjugation and oppression as every other non-Muslims, because fanatical Muslims are egoistical and recognize nobody as their equal.

samedi 3 avril 2010

A Message to the Muslim World.

A Message to the Muslim World
by Tawfik Hamid
Many in the Muslim world repeatedly express anger when Islam and its founder are
criticized. This anger could be fully understandable, especially when we take into
consideration the sensitivity of talking about religious issues. However, it is vital that the
Muslim world realize that most-if not all- the criticism of Islam and of the prophet is
based on what traditional and mainstream Islamic books teach. In other words, it is
unfair to say that criticism of Islam was merely based on or motivated by bias against
the religion, especially when we see thousands of Mosques and Islamic schools built in
and sometimes supported by Western countries. We have actually seen much more
limitations placed on the rights of minorities to build their religious temples or to
practice their religion freely in Muslim countries than in the West. For example,
Christians are not permitted to have their bibles with them in Saudi Arabia while
Muslims have complete freedom to have the Quran in the US and European countries.
Muslims MUST ask themselves who actually discriminates against the other, is it the
West who is discriminating against Islam or is it that the Muslim world is discriminating
against people of other faiths? Who needs to change and show more tolerance for
religious minorities, the West or the Muslim world?
In addition, when the Taliban destroyed the historical Buddha statues the Muslim
world was virtually silent, which may indicate a form of acceptance for this barbaric act.
The Muslims MUST ask themselves, what would they have felt if the Buddhists- for
example- destroyed the Muslim Holy mosque in Mecca?
Furthermore, Muslims enjoy full freedom in the West to preach to non-Muslims and to
convert them to Islam. On the contrary, Muslims-in general- become very furious if they
discover that non-Muslims are proselytizing to Muslims to convert them to other faiths.
In fact, proselytizing to Muslims is illegal in many Islamic countries. The Muslim world
needs to question itself. Again, is it the West discriminating against them, or is it the
Muslims discriminating against the others.
The Muslim world needs to realize that the negative image of Islam in the West has been
created by the Muslims themselves.
When mainstream Islamic books of Sira (Biography of Prophet Mohamed that was
essentially written by Muslims) teach that prophet Mohamed took a woman as booty in
the war after forcing her to see her father and brother decapitated
(1)....Do Muslims expect the world to tell them that.... Wow, this is a wonderful model
for tolerance!
When we teach in several Islamic books including Sahih (accurate) Hadith that prophet
Mohamed said that he was ordered by Allah to fight the entire world until they
subjugate to Islam (2) and when we teach in current approved Sharia books that
Muslims have to wage wars against Non-Muslims and offer them to choose one of the
following options: to convert to Islam, to pay humiliating tax (Jizzia), or to be
killed........Do we expect others to tell us that Islam is the religion of peace? I wonder if
non -Muslims declared war against Muslims to spread their religion and offered
Muslims to convert out of Islam (to the new religion), to pay a humiliating tax to the
invaders, or to be killed.......Will Muslims consider this to be a peaceful act?
When our traditional Islamic books mention that prophet Mohamed ordered his
followers to torture other human beings (3).....Does the Muslim world expect that the
world will tell us that the prophet of Islam was sent as a mercy for mankind?
When we teach in Al-Buchary [mainstream Hadith book for Sunni Muslims] that
prophet Mohamed married and had sex with a 9 year old child (4) and used to bring
dolls for her so that she can play with them (5) or that the prophet used to have sex with
his 9 wives in one night (6), Do we expect the world to tell us that the prophet was a role
model for mankind? If mentioning these stories is considered an insult to Islam then Al-
Buchary -not the West-should take responsibility for insulting the religion.
When non-Muslims realize that Muslims who convert away from Islam must be killed
by Redda Law (killing the apostates) and that this law is approved by ALL schools of
Islamic jurisprudence based on Hadith of prophet Mohamed (7)....Shall we expect them
after this to sing praises for how Islam respects the value of religious freedom?
When non-Muslims read in our mainstream books that stoning of adulterous women is
acceptable in our modern times (8), and that it is permissible for a man to beat his wife
to discipline her (9), and that polygamy is permissible for men up to four wives ........Do
we expect that the world will tell us that Islam is the religion that gave women their
When non-Muslims read in some Hadith books (sayings of prophet Mohamed) that
prophet have said that if the wife licked a wound pouring pus from her husband she
would (still) not have fulfilled his right (as a husband) (10) and when they hear Fatwas
from some of our leading scholars that drinking the urine of the prophet was a blessing
for the disciples of Mohamed (11)..........What do we expect their reaction to this form of
teaching? Shall we expect words of admiration or criticism?
When we teach in our approved Islamic books that early Muslims army invaded many
countries to spread Islam and that the agreement between the second Caliphate and non
Muslim minorities in these countries (Al-Uhda Al-Umareia) did not allow non-Muslims
to sit while Muslims were standing and did not allow non-Muslims to raise their voices
while crying when following their dead, do we expect that others to be speaking loudly
about the 'tolerance' of Islam?
It is important that the Muslim world realize that that they need to stop discrimination
against its non-Muslim minorities and that the negative image of Islam was not created
by the West but by Muslims themselves. Denying that the above teachings exist just
makes things worse as such teachings do exist in our Islamic books. The best way to stop
criticism of Islam is to admit that violent teachings exist and that Islamic scholars must
work on providing modern ways for interpreting and understanding their religion
instead of accusing those who expose the problem and raise valid questions of being
1-Tabari IX:137 "Allah granted Rayhanah of the [Jewish] Qurayza to His Messenger as
booty [but only after she had been forced to watch him decapitate her father and
brother, seen her mother hauled off to be raped, and her sisters sold into slavery]."
3-Tabari VIII:122
Ishaq:515"The Prophet gave orders concerning Kinanah to Zubayr, saying, 'Torture him
until you root out and extract what he has. So Zubayr kindled a fire on Kinanah's chest,
twirling it with his firestick until Kinanah was near death. Then the Messenger gave him
to Maslamah, who beheaded him."
4- Sahih Al-Buchary Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:
Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he
consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with
him for nine years (Note: according to Islamic books, Mohammed was above 50 years
old when he married this young child).
5- #Sahih Al-Buchary Volume 8, Book 73, Number 151:
Narrated 'Aisha:
I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used
to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to
hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing
with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time,
as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143,
6- Narrated Anas: The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his
wives in one night, and he had nine wives. (Hadith Sahih; Sahih Albuchary Volume 7,
Book 62, Number 14: Chapter of Marriage or Allnikah).
7 - Sahih Al-Bukhari (52:260) - "...The Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards
his religion, kill him.' "
8- See Minhaj Al-Muslim by Al Jaja'iry (Lecture at the Nobel prophetic Masjid) Part 2
Page 505 -Published by Darussalam Publications First Edition May 2001
9- Quran {4:34}: Men are superior to women because Allah has given them more
preference to women, and because they financially support them. Therefore the
righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what
Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part you fear that they do
not obey you, admonish them, avoid making sex with them (as a form of punishment),
and beat them; but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of
annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).
10- Reported by Ahmad (3/159) and others. It's of narration is declared to be good by
al-Mundhiree in at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb (3/75): The Messanger of Allaah (S.A.W.)
said, "It is not right that any human being should prostrate to another human being I
would have ordered the woman to prostrate to her husband due to the greatness of his
rights upon her. By Him in whose Hand is my soul, if from his foot to the crown of his
head there was a wound pouring forth pus, and she (the wife) came and licked that, then
she would (still) not have fulfilled his right."

Obama, convertis-toi !

Following are excerpts from an address delivered by Egyptian cleric Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal, which aired on Al-Nas TV on November 27, 2008.
Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal: Let me take this opportunity to address the leader of Europe, and the leader of America, who is the leader of the world, e recently-elected Obama, who is the leader of the Byzantines – he is like the Byzantine leaders in the days of Prophet Muhammad.
My message to him is three-fold. First, I invite him to convert to Islam. This is the call of the Prophet and of Allah. Oh Obama – convert to Islam, and you will be saved. I hope that Allah will reward you twice: Once for converting to Islam, and another reward for all those who will convert in your footsteps. If you want glory – you will find it in Islam. If you want honor – you will find it in Islam. In religions other than Islam there is utter humiliation, even if you are the president of the entire world.
You, Obama, are among those who have pledged before Allah – Allah who created you, sustained you, and brought you to this position – to be a Muslim who believes that Allah is the one God, especially since you have some kind of roots in Islam. Convert to Islam, and you will be saved. All glory and honor lie in following Allah and His messenger Muhammad. Know that the true religion is the religion of Islam, and all other religions are fabricated religions, which are null and void – religions that were abrogated by the shari’a of Muhammad.
If you refuse to return to your [Islamic] origins, to the way Allah created you, withdraw your huge armies and military bases from the lands of the Muslims. Know that all your predecessors have ended up in the garbage bin of history, and that America’s black and bleak history in the land of the Muslims and the Arabs constitutes an evil omen for you, your predecessors, and your successors. Know, Obama, that America, with all its size and might, will know no peace, as long as a single Muslim child lacks food, drink, medicine, or housing. If you refuse, Obama, and insist on remaining in Muslim lands, know that Allah still plants in [Muslims] obedience to Him, and they are willing to wait for Paradise, which is closer than their own shoelaces.
Know, Obama, that in the lands of Islam, there are people who seek death, and are eager for it, even more than you and your people are eager for life – any kind of life, even a life of humiliation.

mardi 9 mars 2010

"Changements climatiques"

January 26, 1989
U.S. Data Since 1895 Fail To Show Warming Trend
By PHILIP SHABECOFF, Special to the New York Times
Correction Appended
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25— After examining climate data extending back nearly 100 years, a team of Government scientists has concluded that there has been no significant change in average temperatures or rainfall in the United States over that entire period.

While the nation’s weather in individual years or even for periods of years has been hotter or cooler and drier or wetter than in other periods, the new study shows that over the last century there has been no trend in one direction or another.

The study, made by scientists for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was published in the current issue of Geophysical Research Letters. It is based on temperature and precipitation readings taken at weather stations around the country from 1895 to 1987.

Mar 03, 2010
Arctic Ocean warming, icebergs growing scarce, Washington Post reports
By Kirk Myers, Seminole Country Environmental Examiner
�The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot,” according to a Commerce Department report published by the Washington Post. Writes the Post: “Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers. . . all point to a radical change in climate conditions and . . . unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone . . . Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones . . . while at many points well-known glaciers have entirely disappeared.”
More evidence of human-caused global warming? Hardly.

The above report of runaway Arctic warming is from a Washington Post story published Nov. 2, 1922 and bears an uncanny resemblance to the tales of global warming splattered across the front pages of today’s newspapers. It is one of many historical accounts published during the past 140 years describing climate changes and often predicting catastrophic cooling or warming.

Here are excerpts from a few of those accounts, appearing as early as 1870:
“The climate of New-York and the contiguous Atlantic seaboard has long been a study of great interest. We have just experienced a remarkable instance of its peculiarity. The Hudson River, by a singular freak of temperature, has thrown off its icy mantle and opened its waters to navigation.” - New York Times, Jan. 2, 1870

“Is our climate changing? The succession of temperate summers and open winters through several years, culminating last winter in the almost total failure of the ice crop throughout the valley of the Hudson, makes the question pertinent. The older inhabitants tell us that the winters are not as cold now as when they were young, and we have all observed a marked diminution of the average cold even in this last decade.” - New York Times, June 23, 1890

“The question is again being discussed whether recent and long-continued observations do not point to the advent of a second glacial period, when the countries now basking in the fostering warmth of a tropical sun will ultimately give way to the perennial frost and snow of the polar regions.” - New York Times, Feb. 24, 1895

Professor Gregory of Yale University stated that “another world ice-epoch is due.” He was the American representative to the Pan-Pacific Science Congress and warned that North America would disappear as far south as the Great Lakes, and huge parts of Asia and Europe would be “wiped out.” - Chicago Tribune, Aug. 9, 1923

“The discoveries of changes in the sun’s heat and southward advance of glaciers in recent years have given rise to the conjectures of the possible advent of a new ice age” - Time Magazine, Sept. 10, 1923

Headline: “America in Longest Warm Spell Since 1776; Temperature Line Records a 25-year Rise” - New York Times, March 27, 1933

“America is believed by Weather Bureau scientists to be on the verge of a change of climate, with a return to increasing rains and deeper snows and the colder winters of grandfather’s day."- Associated Press, Dec. 15, 1934

Warming Arctic Climate Melting Glaciers Faster, Raising Ocean Level, Scientist Says - “A mysterious warming of the climate is slowly manifesting itself in the Arctic, engendering a “serious international problem,” Dr. Hans Ahlmann, noted Swedish geophysicist, said today. - New York Times, May 30, 1937

“Greenland’s polar climate has moderated so consistntly that communities of hunters have evolved into fishing villages. Sea mammals, vanishing from the west coast, have been replaced by codfish and other fish species in the area’s southern waters.” - New York Times, Aug. 29, 1954

“An analysis of weather records from Little America shows a steady warming of climate over the last half century. The rise in average temperature at the Antarctic outpost has been about five degrees Fahrenheit.” - New York Times, May 31, 1958

“Several thousand scientists of many nations have recently been climbing mountains, digging tunnels in glaciers, journeying to the Antarctic, camping on floating Arctic ice. Their object has been to solve a fascinating riddle: what is happening to the world’s ice? - New York Times, Dec. 7, 1958

“After a week of discussions on the causes of climate change, an assembly of specialists from several continents seems to have reached unanimous agreement on only one point: it is getting colder.” - New York Times, Jan. 30, 1961

“Like an outrigger canoe riding before a huge comber, the earth with its inhabitants is caught on the downslope of an immense climatic wave that is plunging us toward another Ice Age.” - Los Angeles Times, Dec. 23, 1962

“Col. Bernt Balchen, polar explorer and flier, is circulating a paper among polar specialists proposing that the Arctic pack ice is thinning and that the ocean at the North Pole may become an open sea within a decade or two.” - New York Times, Feb. 20, 1969

“By 1985, air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half ...” - Life magazine, January 1970
“In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.” - Paul Ehrlich, Earth Day, 1970

“Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind. We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation.” - Barry Commoner (Washington University), Earth Day, 1970

Because of increased dust, cloud cover and water vapor, “the planet will cool, the water vapor will fall and freeze, and a new Ice Age will be born.” - Newsweek magazine, Jan. 26, 1970

“The United States and the Soviet Union are mounting large-scale investigations to determine why the Arctic climate is becoming more frigid, why parts of the Arctic sea ice have recently become ominously thicker and whether the extent of that ice cover contributes to the onset of ice ages.” - New York Times, July 18, 1970

“In the next 50 years, fine dust that humans discharge into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuel will screen out so much of the sun’s rays that the Earth’s average temperature could fall by six degrees. Sustained emissions over five to 10 years, could be sufficient to trigger an ice age.” - Washington Post, July 9, 1971

“It’s already getting colder. Some midsummer day, perhaps not too far in the future, a hard, killing frost will sweep down on the wheat fields of Saskatchewan, the Dakotas and the Russian steppes. . . .” - Los Angles Times, Oct. 24, 1971

“An international team of specialists has concluded from eight indexes of climate that there is no end in sight to the cooling trend of the last 30 years, at least in the Northern Hemisphere.” - New York Times, Jan. 5, 1978
“A poll of climate specialists in seven countries has found a consensus that there will be no catastrophic changes in the climate by the end of the century. But the specialists were almost equally divided on whether there would be a warming, a cooling or no change at all.” - New York Times, Feb. 18, 1978

“A global warming trend could bring heat waves, dust-dry farmland and disease, the experts said… Under this scenario, the resort town of Ocean City, Md., will lose 39 feet of shoreline by 2000 and a total of 85 feet within the next 25 years.” - San Jose Mercury News, June 11, 1986

“Global warming could force Americans to build 86 more power plants—at a cost of $110 billion—to keep all their air conditioners running 20 years from now, a new study says...Using computer models, researchers concluded that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide two degrees by 2010, and the drain on power would require the building of 86 new midsize power plants - Associated Press, May 15, 1989

“New York will probably be like Florida 15 years from now.”—St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Sept. 17, 1989 (actually Florida was more like New York 20 years later)

“[By] 1995, the greenhouse effect would be desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots . . . [By 1996] The Platte River of Nebraska would be dry, while a continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers . . . The Mexican police will round up illegal American migrants surging into Mexico seeking work as field hands.” - “Dead Heat: The Race Against the Greenhouse Effect,” Michael Oppenheimer and Robert H. Boyle, 1990.

“It appears that we have a very good case for suggesting that the El Ninos are going to become more frequent, and they’re going to become more intense and in a few years, or a decade or so, we’ll go into a permanent El Nino. So instead of having cool water periods for a year or two, we’ll have El Nino upon El Nino, and that will become the norm. And you’ll have an El Nino, that instead of lasting 18 months, lasts 18 years,” according to Dr. Russ Schnell, a scientist doing atmospheric research at Mauna Loa Observatory. - BBC, Nov. 7, 1997 (followed immediately in late 1998 by three straight years of La Nina)

“Scientists are warning that some of the Himalayan glaciers could vanish within ten years because of global warming. A build-up of greenhouse gases is blamed for the meltdown, which could lead to drought and flooding in the region affecting millions of people.”—The Birmingham Post in England, July 26, 1999

“This year (2007) is likely to be the warmest year on record globally, beating the current record set in 1998.” - ScienceDaily, Jan. 5, 2007
Arctic warming has become so dramatic that the North Pole may melt this summer (2008), report scientists studying the effects of climate change in the field. “We’re actually projecting this year that the North Pole may be free of ice for the first time [in history],” David Barber, of the University of Manitoba, told National Geographic News aboard the C.C.G.S. Amundsen, a Canadian research icebreaker. - National Geographic News, June 20, 2008

“So the climate will continue to change, even if we make maximum effort to slow the growth of carbon dioxide. Arctic sea ice will melt away in the summer season within the next few decades. Mountain glaciers, providing fresh water for rivers that supply hundreds of millions of people, will disappear - practically all of the glaciers could be gone within 50 years. . . Clearly, if we burn all fossil fuels, we will destroy the planet we know . . . We would set the planet on a course to the ice-free state, with sea level 75 metres higher. Climatic disasters would occur continually.” Dr. James Hansen (NASA GISS), The Observer, Feb. 15, 2009.

Climate change? Yes, there has been plenty of that during the past 140 years. Despite warnings by “experts of the day” of approaching climate disasters, mankind somehow managed to survive. A decade or so from now, after earth’s climate changes once again, those who are old enough will recall with amusement the time, early in the 21st century, when the world went crazy over an imaginary threat called “global warming.”

Kirk Myers is one of the few environmental reporters who is bothering to look at actual data - not reading from the guidelines provided by the Society of Environmental Journalists. We applaud him for his boldness.

mercredi 24 février 2010

Le Coran, Mein Kempf et les Juifs.

- Article du Wall Street Journal
- Ce que le Coran dit.
-Ce que Mein Kempf dit.

Wall Street Journal, 2010-02-24
Stop the Trial of Geert Wilders

What started as a trial against Geert Wilders for alleged Islamophobia has nearly turned into its opposite: a historical case about the message of the Quran. The Amsterdam court trying the controversial Dutch politician is now preoccupied with the question of whether this book, sacred to more than a billion believers, can be compared to one of the most vile publications in the history of Western civilization—Hitler's "Mein Kampf." What could possibly go wrong?
In his writing and speeches, Mr. Wilders has found these two works to be similar in terms of their anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred, and has thus called for a publishing ban on the Quran similar to the one in place for "Mein Kampf." This is what triggered Mr. Wilders's prosecution for discriminatory and insulting remarks against Muslims and Islam. The Dutch politician, though, denies having insulted Muslims. He insists his focus is on radical Islam and the Quran, which he considers to be not only a religious text but also a political pamphlet encouraging Muslims to discriminate against and, if necessary, kill Jews, Christians, apostates and other unbelievers. That's why Mr. Wilders claims the right to criticize and condemn Islam.
Following complaints brought by mostly Muslim and radical leftist activists, Amsterdam's district attorney in 2008 at first found no legal basis for prosecuting Mr. Wilders. Prosecutors were forced to change course only after an activist appeals court last year ordered Mr. Wilders's prosecution—basically condemning the politician before any trial could even begin and before Mr. Wilders had a chance to defend himself. The court's unusual intervention illustrates the Dutch confusion about the conflict between two essential rights: the right to free speech and the right to protection from discrimination.
View Full Image
According to polls, Mr. Wilders's Freedom Party, a libertarian-conservative movement with populist tendencies, is currently the most popular political party in the Netherlands. If elections were held today, Mr. Wilders would be a serious contender for the position of prime minister. Mr. Wilders's detractors are mistaken if they think a conviction would hurt him politically. The trial is a win-win situation for him: If the court rules to restrict Mr. Wilders's right to free speech, many Dutchmen will interpret this as an effort by the politically correct establishment to limit the growing strength of the Freedom Party, which would widen its appeal to many voters. If, on the other hand, the prosecution fails to prove that Mr. Wilders has purposely insulted Muslims because of their religion, Mr. Wilders's views will be seen as vindicated. Again, he will gain politically.
More importantly, Mr. Wilders's prosecution may in the end inadvertently create a crisis between the Netherlands and the Islamic world. On trial is not so much Geert Wilders, but the Holy Book of Islam. On Jan. 20, the first day of the case, Mr. Wilders's defense team presented the court with a list of expert witnesses. It is indicative of his strategy. The expert witnesses, a group of internationally renowned academics on the one hand and, on the other, radical Islamists (among them Mohammed Bouyeri, the killer of Theo van Gogh, and the influential Iranian Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, an outspoken anti-Semite and religious mentor of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinedjad), are requested to testify about the Quran's message and Mr. Wilders's comparison of the Quran to "Mein Kampf." As Mr. Wilders stated on the first and, so far only, session in court, if his statements about the Quran and "Mein Kampf" are correct, he cannot be convicted for telling the truth. So Mr. Wilders's defense team will concentrate on the extreme and violent paragraphs in the Quran, and compare them to paragraphs in "Mein Kampf."
The prosecution did not object to calling the witnesses for the purpose of shedding light on the Quran and "Mein Kampf" and only objected to the high number of witnesses named (17). The court will thus most likely allow most witnesses on the list to testify. Without doubt, there are many anti-Jewish remarks in the Quran. According to some researchers, there may be more of these in the Quran than in "Mein Kampf." So it is quite conceivable that the court will judge that Geert Wilders was within his right to compare the Quran to "Mein Kampf." Anything is possible in this absurd trial.
The three judges hearing the case—no doubt decent, modest, postmodern Dutchmen with a minimum knowledge of Islam and its culture and traditions—will now be forced to debate the nature of a religious text, something that should have never been heard in the court of an enlightened society. In front of the judges and television cameras, the ancient founding text of an entire civilization will be criticized and weighed against one of the most inhumane texts written in the 20th century—without any doubt a deep insult to Muslims, radical or not.
There is a way out. The district attorney's office has complied with the appeals court's order to prosecute Mr. Wilders. The trial has started. It should now ask the court for an acquittal. This preposterous trial needs to be stopped right now.
Mr. de Winter is a Dutch novelist and adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute.


The most senior clerical authority for Hezbollah, Husayn Fadlalah, has stated:
We find in the Koran that the Jews are the most aggressive towards the Muslims … because of their aggressive resistance to the unity of the faith. 63
Fadlallah repeatedly refers to anti-Jewish archetypes in the Koran, hadith, and sira: the corrupt, treacherous, and aggressive nature of the Jews; their reputation as killers of prophets who spread corruption on earth; and the notion that the Jews engaged in conspiratorial efforts against Muhammad. 64 Hassan Nasrallah — current secretary general of Hezbollah, a protége of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and presently Iran’s highest ranking political and religious authority (its “guardian jurisprudent”) — has reiterated these anti-Semitic views with particular vehemence. Invoking motifs from Islam’s foundational texts, Nasrallah has characterized Jews as the “grandsons of apes and pigs” and as “Allah’s most cowardly and greedy creatures.” 65 He elaborates these themes into an annihilationist animus against all Jews, not merely Israelis: 66

“Anyone who reads the Koran and the holy writings of the monotheistic religions sees what they did to the prophets, and what acts of madness and slaughter the Jews carried out throughout history. …
Anyone who reads these texts cannot think of co-existence with them, of peace with them, or about accepting their presence, not only in Palestine of 1948 but even in a small village in Palestine, because they are a cancer which is liable to spread again at any moment. … There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel.
If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak, and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology, and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli. … [I]f they [the Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.”

The Jews’ ultimate sin and punishment are made clear: They are the devil’s minions (4:60) cursed by Allah, their faces will be obliterated (4:47), and if they do not accept the true faith of Islam — the Jews who understand their faith become Muslims (3:113) — they will be made into apes (2:65/ 7:166), or apes and swine (5:60), and burn in the Hellfires (4:55, 5:29, 98:6, and 58:14-19). 72
The centrality of the Jews’ permanent “abasement and humiliation,” and being “laden with God’s anger” in the corpus of Muslim exegetic literature on Koran 2:61 and 3:112 is clear. By nature deceitful and treacherous, the Jews rejected Allah’s signs and prophets, including Isa, the Muslim Jesus. Classical Koranic commentators such as Tabari (d. 923), Zamakshari (d. 1143), Baydawi (d. 1316), and Ibn Kathir (d. 1373), when discussing Koran 5:82 (which includes the statement “Thou wilt surely find the most hostile of men to the believers are the Jews”), concur on the unique animus of the Jews towards the Muslims, which is repeatedly linked to the curse of Koran 2:61/3:112. 73

Extraits de Mein Kempf :

"The Jew is only united when a common danger forces him to be or a common booty entices him; if these two grounds are lacking, the qualities of the crassest egoism come into their own, and in the twinkling of an eye the united people turns into a horde of rats, fighting bloodily among themselves."

"If the Jews were alone in this world, they would stifle in filth and offal; they would try to get ahead of one another in hate-filled struggle and exterminate one another, in so far as the absolute absence of all sense of self-sacrifice, expressing itself in their cowardice, did not turn battle into comedy here too."

"So it is absolutely wrong to infer any ideal sense of sacrifice in the Jews from the fact that they stand together in struggle, or, better expressed, in the plundering of their fellow men."
"Here again the Jew is led by nothing but the naked egoism of the individual."

"For what sham culture the Jew today possesses is the property of other peoples, and for the most part it is ruined in his hands."

"What they do accomplish in the field of art is either patchwork or intellectual theft."

"Hence his intellect will never have a constructive effect, but will be destructive, and in very rare cases perhaps will at most be stimulating, but then as the prototype of the ' force which always wants evil and nevertheless creates good.' Not through him does any progress of mankind occur, but in spite of him."

"In the Jew, however, this attitude is not at all present; for that reason he was never a nomad, but only and always a parasite in the body of other peoples."

"But even here, in reality, he is only a ' juggler,' or rather an ape; for even here he lacks the last touch that is required for real greatness; even here he is not the creative genius, but a superficial imitator, and all the twists and tricks that he uses are powerless to conceal the inner lifelessness of his creative gift."

"And the effect of his existence is also like that of spongers: wherever he appears, the host people dies out after a shorter or longer period."

"Existence impels the Jew to lies and to lie perpetually, just as it compels the inhabitants of the northern countries to wear warm clothing."

"In the course of a few centuries they have come to know him, and now they feel that the mere fact of his existence is as bad as the plague."

"A true blood-sucker that attaches himself to the body of the unhappy people"

"He himself adds to their financial straits by alienating them more and more from their true tasks, by crawling around them with the vilest flattery, by encouraging them in vices, and thus making himself more and more indispensable to them."

"...ended up by regarding his existence as nothing but a punishment of Heaven for the other peoples"

"...his keenest minds see the dream of world domination tangibly approaching. And so his sole effort is directed toward obtaining full possession of 'civil' rights."

"Here he stops at nothing, and in his vileness he becomes so gigantic that no one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew."

"For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks."

"With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master."

"The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people."
"The end is not only the end of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of this parasite upon the nations. After the death of his victim, the vampire sooner or later dies too."

"If we pass all the causes of the German collapse in review, the ultimate and most decisive remains the failure to recognize the racial problem and especially the Jewish menace."

Make a deal with the devil, end up in hell.